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The Full Story

Superficial Chemical Peels

Superficial peels contain a mixture of Glycolic, Lactic and Salicylic Acids to remove the upper layer of the epidermis encouraging regeneration and rejuvenation of new skin cells. The result is the improved clinical appearance of skin with fewer fine lines, a brighter complexion, improved skin tone and a more youthful appearance. The Milk Peel by Dermaceutic help to target ranges for specific skin indications and are extremely well tolerated  with minimum side effects. ​

Common acids & how they can help

- Glycolic acid helps to improve acne, blackheads and dark spots and decrease the appearance of fine lines and make skin appear smoother and more youthful.

- Lactic acid peels (derived from milk) are a great choice for hyper-pigmentation which aid in helping to fade dark marks whilst smoothing the skin.

- Salicylic acid is a beta hydroxy acid which is fabulous at combating oily, congested complexions to help eliminate blemish-causing impurities.

​- Effective powerhouse of skin boosting properties, regulating oily, congested, dull and lined skin to reveal a more youthful and clearer complexion.

Why Dermaceutic?


Intended for the treatment of mild acne, keratosis pilaris and superficial pigmented lesions.

- Suitable for all skin types and phototypes

- No social downtime (lunch peel)

- Little to no skin desquamation

- Safe & easy 10 min protocol

- Can be combined and enhances the efficacy of other aesthetic treatments




- Reduces acne lesions

- Eliminates superficial pigmented lesions Improves the condition of keratosis pilaris through an exfoliative effect

- Boosts collagen production

- Improves appearance of fine lines and wrinkles



One session - £60

Course of 3 - £150

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